Health And Safety


At Sakti Energy, the health and safety of our employees and stakeholders are of paramount importance. We are dedicated to ensuring optimum protection while minimizing our environmental impact.

We firmly believe that all cases of work-related ill health, injuries, and incidents are preventable. Therefore, it is our policy to report all near misses, maintaining a higher standard than is typically applied in the industry.

Our policy on occupational safety, health, environment, and process safety emphasizes the active involvement of every employee. Together, we strive to maintain and enhance our performance, recognizing our obligations under applicable international, national, and local codes and standards.

This commitment extends to all our offices and operations.
We take every reasonable measure to identify potential accidents, promptly eliminating any risks and maintaining our goal of achieving zero fire accidents and harm.

Our proactive approach to safety ensures that our employees and stakeholders can trust in our commitment to their well-being.